- body contour
- контур кузова, обводы кузова* * *контур кузова
English-russian automobile dictionary. 2013.
English-russian automobile dictionary. 2013.
contour feathers — plural noun Feathers lying along a bird s body providing insulation and streamlining • • • Main Entry: ↑contour * * * contour feathers, the outer feathers which determine the contour of a bird s body … Useful english dictionary
Contour Crafting — is a construction process under development by Behrokh Khoshnevis of the University of Southern California s Information Sciences Institute (in the Viterbi School of Engineering) that uses a computer controlled crane or gantry to build edifices… … Wikipedia
contour — [kän′to͞or΄] n. [Fr < It contorno < LL contornare, to go around < L com , intens. + tornare, to turn in a lathe: see TURN] 1. the outline of a figure, mass, land, etc. 2. the representation of such an outline vt. 1. to make a contour or… … English World dictionary
Contour — Con*tour , n. [F. contour, fr. contourner to mark the outlines; con + tourner to turn. See {Turn}.] 1. The outline of a figure or body, or the line or lines representing such an outline; the line that bounds; periphery. [1913 Webster] Titian s… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Contour feathers — Contour Con*tour , n. [F. contour, fr. contourner to mark the outlines; con + tourner to turn. See {Turn}.] 1. The outline of a figure or body, or the line or lines representing such an outline; the line that bounds; periphery. [1913 Webster]… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Contour line — Contour Con*tour , n. [F. contour, fr. contourner to mark the outlines; con + tourner to turn. See {Turn}.] 1. The outline of a figure or body, or the line or lines representing such an outline; the line that bounds; periphery. [1913 Webster]… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Contour of ground — Contour Con*tour , n. [F. contour, fr. contourner to mark the outlines; con + tourner to turn. See {Turn}.] 1. The outline of a figure or body, or the line or lines representing such an outline; the line that bounds; periphery. [1913 Webster]… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Body shaping — Body contouring is a general term that refers to any surgical procedure that alters different areas of the body, whether it is in a massive weight loss patient or not. Body contouring after massive weight loss refers to a series of procedures… … Wikipedia
contour couch — contour couch, a couch in a spacecraft, that fits closely the form of the occupant, to support and protect the body under extreme pressures … Useful english dictionary
CONTOUR — The CO met N ucleus TOUR (CONTOUR) was a NASA Discovery class space probe that failed shortly after launch. It had as its primary objective close flybys of two comet nuclei with the possibility of a flyby of a third known comet or an as yet… … Wikipedia
contour — /kon toor/, n. 1. the outline of a figure or body; the edge or line that defines or bounds a shape or object. 2. See contour line. 3. Phonet. a distinctive pattern of changes in pitch, stress, or tone extending across all or part of an utterance … Universalium